What is Mental Diary (MD)?
In my UX/UI class at Maryville University, we were tasked with creating a citizen science app, and I choose to focus on the number of interactions a person can have during the day, and the emotion that can come from those meetings. This can be done by either taking the survey questions or logging in your interactions via the entry section. This app also allows you to mark on the map, where your interactions or entries were created, so it allows you to track where you have been and where you felt that specific emotion.
The onboarding experience is used to allow the user to understand the app, and it was designed this way since it will allow the user to gather the knowledge of how to navigate the app. I kept the onboarding simple and easy since the entire concept of the app was very simple, and by keeping it simple, people would easily grasp the concept of the app.
Home Page
One of the feedback that I have gotten when doing my user testing was that the home page was empty and vague, so I wanted to create a homepage, where when the user logs on, they can look at the previous slog/post, and the navigation at the bottom will allow the user to easily move around the app, without hassle.
The journal section was created to allow users to log in entries that will allow the user to connect what emotion that is being felt by the user. The reason why I choose to have a journal section in my app is that I wanted the user to have a place where they can describe their mindset. Also, this would connect to the citizen science part of the app, in which if the user allows, then the location of the post, and the number of posts, can be tracked.
The calendar section is a part that was needed and was specifically needed since, in my user testing, the users were glad that there was a way for them to look at previous posts. Also, the calendar section would allow the user to find the location of when they made the post, so if the user allows it, then this information can be used to gather data on where and how the interactions happened.
For the last part, the persona that I had created connects to the reason why I wanted to make an app that allows the users to have a way to make posts about their mental health and the interactions that they have. The reason why I had chosen a young person around my age as my persona, is because we are always interacting with new people, and we usually can’t identify the emotions we are experiencing.
At the End
So in the end, I feel like people in this age and time, always have things on their mind, and I feel like this app would help the user to calm their mind. So I created an app, that allows users to record their thoughts, and I always thought the people overthink themselves when meeting new people, so this app is a way for them to sort themselves out. The journal, homepage, and calendar, all connect to my idea, that this app can easily allow users to know to write their experiences with new people, the emotions connected to those interactions, and have a way to read past interactions.